Rahmani N, Sebbar E, Aarab A, Azghar A, Choukri M. Serum Free Light-chain Assay for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prognosis of Multiple Myeloma. Mod Med Lab J 2019; 2 (2) :132-140
Abstract: (3876 Views)
In recent decades, new serum biomarkers have been developed for routine laboratory practice, such as assaying serum free light chains and more recently, assaying immunoglobulin heavy and light chain isotypes (Hevylite).
In this work, we highlight the interest of new biomarkers (Hevylite Test) in the management of monoclonal gammopathies because of the technical advantages it confers and the sensitive and unique clinical information that can be drawn from them.
Data from the latest studies show changes in the practice and use of Freelite and Hevylite tests in particular situations in the diagnosis and monitoring of MM, in situations where the monitoring of the tumor mass by conventional techniques is difficult. Freelite and Hevylite tests are proving to be of great benefit. The sFLC assay has already been recommended by international myeloma experts since 2009. There is no doubt that an integration of the Hevylite test for the diagnosis and monitoring of IgA MM will be done in the near future.